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  • Writer's picturePayton Tilley

Basking After Rain - Share Little Things

When did You experience God's hand last? And then shared it? That's where it used to be tricky for me . . .

To me, it's amazing we serve a God that even allows us those little glimpses and cares to be involved in our lives on a personal level. This post is gonna be a testament to how I have been encouraged recently. Because I've realized we all struggle (dah), but we also are stronger when we share; our own hearts open up and we connect and give the opportunity for growth when we do.

Besides God letting multiple dreams begin - unfold in real ways - this week He comforted me and let me know He heard my cries.

As it rained this past Sunday afternoon, I sat on the porch and poured out all my burdens and concerns in multiple areas. Prayers, worries, anxious "what if's and what next's", ponderings, fears and burdens. In my journal, I even noted that I knew I had to have peace and that He took care of me and situations.

But I faltered . . . like we all do. I am a worry wart and the worrying was worrying in that moment, as they say now. (forgive my strive to add funny modern usage) Jesus had answered and helped me and people around me through so much recently, but I was struggling over the week ahead and life's cares and concerns.

After writing in my prayer journal, I opened up my Daily Grace study, which is one on emotions currently. (HIGHLY rec their stuff) Well, what would you think the day was on? Fear.



Not only that, but my life verse - 2Timothy 1:7 - was a reference. I thanked God because I got chills realizing deep within that He had HEARD and He CARED. And was SPEAKING through His Word to me.

The next morning I pulled into work early, as I do, and parked to read my Bible before going in, but sadly realized I had taken it from my car the previous night. Sighing, I decided to check emails. I opened one from a person I subscribed to from a writer's conference, but was taken back by the title. On fear.

I opened it and read as the author told she felt pressed to change her planned post to one addressing . . . 2 Timothy 1:7.

The Lord truly let me know loud and clear that He was with me and heard my aches, my pains and disgustingly annoying overthinking tendency; He knew and cared to respond in a way that was undeniable.

We all have stories like that. Little things we smile at or have chills prick our arms from His presence. But when's the last time we shared one of those stories to someone else? We are a community . . . whether you are here as a writer, friend, reader, medieval lover or simply happened upon it, we all have stories to share of God's goodness, of His hand. Of each other's sacrifice.

I challenge us all to share and tell the good things, even the hard things, that have happened and God responded in a beautiful way. Big or small. Because no matter if you pour it out in the rain or sun, we are connected by shared words. The tongue has life and death. Take a chance to be open and vulnerable with family, friends, coworkers and even those that may be hard to be around; for you never know what rainclouds of their own you may help dispel by words of encouragment.

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