Most of these were published through another website, devotional, or publisher. If not noted, it appeared on my website first.
It Shall Not Last ~ A devotion
coming...May 28, 2023 ​ ​

It Shall Not Last ~ a devotion
Read it here!
​(published through Unlocked Teen Devotions)​
In this devotion...A regular adventure for Merrick, lands him face to face with his greatest fears. Shall the darkness of life defeat us or must we press onward?

Ruby of Crimson ~ a flash fiction piece
Read it here!
(published through Spark Flash Fiction)
​​Maybelle's magic ring has never been wrong before, but after a matchmaking attempt gone wrong, she wonders why this time it failed.​ But what if it didn't fail? What if she simply misunderstood...​Regency romance, magical heirlooms and misunderstood friendship flourish in this flash fiction story.
Summer 2022 - Won Reader's Choice

From Wood to Stone ~ a devotion
Read it here!
​(published through ChristianDevotions.us)​
In this devotion...Are the ways castles have changed over the years relevant to our lives?
January 2023

Patheos Column ~ In Relation
Check out the articles here!
​(published through Patheos.com)​
All the articles I wrote for Patheos centered around Christian lifestyle and pulling from the lessons around us. The articles involved nature, challenges, and ideas that connect all things to our relationship with others and our Creator.
March 28, 2023 - July 8, 2023
It Shall Not Last ~ A devotion
coming...May 28, 2023 ​ ​

Like A Star ~ a flash fiction piece
​(published through my website)​
A letter signaling the end of a potential romance snaps Ellie back to reality . . . and her fears, the haunt of every relationship in her past. The stars have offered her comfort throughout her life, but now it seems her life is beginning to mirror the tragedy of constellations Pleiades and Orion. Ever falling for the person who is doomed to leave, especially now . . .since he hails from the other side of the world.