As Christian women and men, sometimes we seem to be floundering and going through the motions. One of my biggest struggles is overcoming the hollowness of times when it seems God is far off, even when in pursuit of Him.
Recently, a question that often floats around the Christian community has flung itself at me with tremendous force: How do we know what God's will is in a situation? And one closely connected: How do we make the right choice?
This is a question that plagues us and makes us pause in fear, overthinking and second guessing. I know it has for me and some of my close friends. It's a conversation that connects us because as we grow closer to Christ, we desire to be in the center of His will for our lives. Jesus taught us this in the Lord's prayer when He said, "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven . . ."
Reading further into the Bible, we see people asking "why" and seeking God's plan for their lives sometimes in confusion, sometimes in frustration and sometimes in taking what comes with peace. Think of Job, Ruth, Esther, and David. All of these heros of the faith accepted God's leading, trusted Him and sought Him when making decisions.
But, would it not be easier if we could simply walk to the mailbox when we reached a crossroad and pull out a letter from God Himself, instructing us word by word, and action by action, about what to do? What He desired and the path that would bring Him glory? Goodness, I would kill for that kind of mailservice.
Sadly, we don't have that. But I'd wager what we have is better because we constantly get to be in communion with Him and be near to Him. Wait? Did I not say before that it's hard when we are at a crossroad with no clear direction? Or what about the times when He seems silent on a matter when seeking His will?
Turn to Proverbs 3: 5-6, which says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." I love this verse because it came alive to me in new ways when I went through a situation recently and was seeking and seeking . . . and seeking . . . His will and direction.
It suddenly took away the pressure to KNOW what to do and to hear that audible thing, or feel that clear answer. What we must do is simply bring ourselves to God and consult Him, pour out our questions and tell Him that we desire His will above all else. The text says to "Trust in the Lord with all your heart. . ."
Step 1: Trust God when seeking Him.
This is not natural for us or easy. But when we seek Him and trust His will, we will have this peace beyond all understanding. Truly. It's so crazy because when I was praying over my situation and talking to Him about what I should do, I felt a clear peace about one thing when speaking to Him, and then a harsh unease when I brought up another aspect. It's all in how we trust Him.
Step 2: Acknowledge Him in everything.
"In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." That part alone could be unpacked and unpacked like a never ending trunk of gold, but what I want to highlight is that He is telling us to simply bring it all to Him. Every little and big thing in our life. When we desire His will and seek His counsel, He sees it and makes record of it, and He (not us!) will direct us as we need to go. Sometimes it's not about having to know His exact will but trusting Him in every step we feel directed to take and in every choice we involve Him.
In my situation, I prayed and prayed and wrote in my journal so much because I desired for Him to be in it, I needed Him to be. And I remember the final prayer I prayed over and over. It was me holding out both hands and telling Him that I wanted His will no matter if one thing worked out or not. If I stepped out and and it worked out, I knew it to be His will because there was no other way it could happen. And if it didn't go the way I wanted, then I knew He was pointing me another way.
And whichever, I would be ok because I knew He heard me and His will would come to pass. I sought Him and asked Him to lead me. And that is what God wants. He wants our trust and childlike faith. He wants us to hold out our hands and seek Him even in the quiet unclear times because when we do - and we cling to a crazy faith - that's when He directs our paths. That's when we can walk in confidence about His will and next step for us.

So take away the ovethinking and worrying over failing, of hearing Him wrong. This verse unveils the simplicty of it. We must trust Him, acknowledge that we want His will and then trust that He is beside us guiding us over and over through deserts and valleys. Finding His will and faith go hand and hand sometimes.
Only when we stop bringing the question of "What is your will, Father?", do we begin to truly loose ourselves; because we loose the heart that yearns to please Him. To be so close in His will.
Take a deep breath and release the pressure; rest and trust that when you seek God and His will for you and your next step, that it will work just as He has planned. For He truly does make our paths straight, and often those paths lead to places far better than we imagine.